ahhirstudio@gmail.com +91 9674241242
1. Registration fee and monthly fee are non-refundable. In case a student cancels or misses any lesson or more a student will be marked absent. However, if the class is canceled, due to absence of the mentor\trainer then the academy will reschedule the class as per the availability of the mentor\trainer
2. The monthly fees include maximum 4 sessions per month. On National Holidays mostly on bigger occasions like Durga Puja or Diwali when people tend to plan vacations, the academy will remain closed. Like all other Academic institutions, we are not liable to compensate.
3. Fee for the month to be deposited by 7th. In case of default a late fee @ Rs 10 per day will be levied after 10th of each month.
4. In case of default of deposition of fee for 2 consecutive months the student will be debarred from attending the class. In case such student wishes to resume, full registration fee (Rs500/-) shall be payable. However, the academy may waive off such resumption fee on production of acceptable documents related medical reasons only.
5. Students will be admitted to respective courses based on the performance during audition. The decision of the academy regarding admission shall be final.
6. Students would be required to appear for a yearly evaluation. The evaluation will be based on overall performance of the student as well as theory and practical examination.